Green Day - 《Walking Alone》 - Nimrod
come togetherlike a foot in a shoe
only this time i think i stuck my foot in my mouth
thinking out loud and acting in vain
knocking over anyone that stands in my way
sometimes i need to apologize
sometimes i need to admit that i ain't right
sometimes i should just keep my mouth shut or only say hello
sometimes i still feel i'm walking alone
walk on eggshells on my old stomping ground
yet there's really no one left
that's hanging around
isn't that another familiar face?
too drunk to figure out they're fading away
sometimes i need to apologize
sometimes i need to admit that i ain't right
sometimes i should just keep my mouth shut or only say hello
sometimes i still feel i'm walking alone...
- .wrap1 {width: 100%;}.box1 {width: 100%;height: 0px;/* 16:9padding-bottom:52.25%,4:3padding-bottom:72024-12-22
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